Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Rich Boy: Another Great Gatsby?

One of Fitzgerald's many other works is a collection of short stories, including one called "The Rich Boy". I must admit that the story is a fairly long short story, so I haven't read it all, but I have skimmed it and read a summary. From what I can tell, the story is about a rich, young man who went to Yale before moving to New York. He falls in love with a woman from out west in California somewhere, and he chases his dream to be with her, even though they can't be together. There's also a character named Nick, who is described as a "fashionable bartender", once in high demand around the city, who works at a hotel bar when the story takes place. At the end of the story, there is a death (I won't spoil it if you want to read it). This all also takes place in the early 1920s. The story has been called the sequel to Gatsby by a few Fitzgerald scholars. I'll post the link to the full text below. Thoughts?


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