Friday, May 24, 2013

study group

Louisa and I were talking at graduation today and we thought it might be a good idea to get together for a small study group to compare quote id's on Sunday or Monday before the exam. We could meet at the  
bookstore, library, Starbucks, or my house in West Hartford if anyone is interested. It might be good to have each other double check our ideas and/or add to them. Comment if you're interested:)


  1. Can we do it either sunday afternoon (cuz some people have church in the morning) or monday?

  2. that would be fine...why don't we shoot for around 3 on sunday.

  3. Yay! Sounds good. If it's only going to be a few of us, I'd say finding a place in the library won't be hard.

  4. i mean while were at it, why don't we aim for the the whole class to meet somewhere that way we can break up, quiz each other, share different ideas, etc.

  5. Why don't we meet at 3 in front of the West Hartoford library

  6. uhh... I don't think the library is open on Sunday though. It's a nice day, we could work outside the library?


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