Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Sylvia"; a movie about Sylvia Plath

I seem to be becoming the blog's official video poster, but here's another one. This is the first part of the Sylvia Plath Movie. I think that the way Gwyneth Paltrow portrays Sylvia Plath is really interesting. There is also a reference to a scene in the Bell Jar when Doreen bites Lenny's ear. In this movie, Plath bites Ted Hughes on the cheek the night she meets him. I think that she might be trying to be like Doreen and look sexy and flirtatious. It's interesting because in the beginning of the Bell Jar, after the scene with Doreen and Lenny, Esther makes a firm resolution not to be like Doreen and to be more like Betsy. Any thoughts? Does the movie do a good or bad job of portraying Plath's life?

1 comment:

  1. I saw this but I didn't know how to upload it! But anyway I thought it was really cool they made a movie out of Sylvia Plath and after watching the movie, I personally thought that she receives a good amount of inspiration for her writing through her own life encounters and adventures and what really reinforced this idea for me is that after Esther is denied from the program and tries to write her own novel, she realizes that without these life experiences that she could never write a successful novel and I think that Plath takes sections of her life and twists them and become ingrained in her literature and if you pick and you choose wisely enough, you might be able to truly find out who she is through these experiences.


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