Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Plath Collaged

I made a collage! It took a lot more time than I expected, but I made it. I wanted to show how with everything we know about Sylvia Plath's life, one of the few things that sheds light on her depression is the Bell Jar. Since the Bell Jar gives us an idea of what she dealt with, I have it in the middle of the collage and in color. Some of the other images I had to make black and white so that the center image could pop.

1 comment:

  1. I like the collage and how you placed The Bell Jar picture in the middle and in color. She looks like such a normal woman in all of these pictures, I would have never guessed she was going through what we know she experienced. Ted Hughes looks like the only genuinely unhappy person in the collage!


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