Sunday, October 14, 2012

Connection to Salinger

One thing I noticed after reading ch. 9 and 10 is that when Esther returns back home and is denied from the writing program, she becomes depressed and she decides she is going to write her own novel. Well, I found her ability to express herself through her "novel" (and i feel this is gonna play a bigger role later on in the book) is very similar to my thesis which was that both Sgt. X and the Chief escape from problems through their own short stories.  And I thought that Plath and Salinger were both illustrating through their novels how helpful writing has been to them and how it can act as such a positive outlet to expresses your feelings and problems.  Did anyone else kinda realize this?

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Coincidentally, my thesis was very similar. Salinger and Plath, along with their characters, seem to be using their writing as a way to express themselves. However, writing isn't always enough since Sylvia Plath committed suicide a few days after her novel was published...
    Does anyone think that, unlike Sylvia Plath, Sgt. X and Salinger were able to use their art as a positive outlet?


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