Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reactions to Plath

"Ovens" - Katie 
"The woman that killed herself in front of her children. Her poem metaphors." - Shira Richards-Rachlin
"The crazy woman who killed herself by sticking her head in the oven." - Julia Bayer
"Depression." - Lydia

When I asked a few people of what they thought about Sylvia Plath, I got the same answer from all of them. She's that woman who killed herself. That's what I thought of too until I learned that she had written a children's book that I used to read as a little nugget.

The Bed Book written by Plath is a story about different kinds of beds. There's a pea sized bed that expands when water is added. There's also a food bed that sends out food when you get hungry in the middle of the night. This happy bedtime tale isn't very "Plathish,"but my dad used to read it to me every night.

Plath wrote two other children's books. Has anyone read one of them? If you'd like, comment on your first impressions of Sylvia Plath based on the videos we watched.

Photo from

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this seems very different then the Plath we have been studying in class. "The Bed Book" was published in 1976 which was 13 years after "The Bell Jar" and her suicide. What do you think inspired Plath to write such a (seemingly) innocent book. Could it have been her attempt to leave a bit of herself for her children? A goodbye of sorts? Thoughts?


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