Sunday, October 21, 2012

Electroshock Therapy Works?

Due to reading The Bell Jar, I was talking about depression and electroshock therapy with my mom, and she said that it actually worked sometimes.  I was surprised by this, and looked it up online to see if anyone benefited from electroshock therapy.  A Youtube video titled "Sherwin Nuland: How electroshock therapy changed me" caught my eye.  The video is quite lengthy, but I was intrigued and wanted to post it on the blog since it has everything to do with Esther and her experiences with shock therapy.

1 comment:

  1. It's surprising to me that it actually works, because at first it seemed like some very primitive 1950s-type remedy that would cause more harm than good. When I think about it now, though, the concept behind it makes sense, because all emotions or impulses are due to electrical signals between neurons in the brain, and in a depressed patient, electroshock therapy might re-wire the connections back to normal.


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