Thursday, September 6, 2012

This looks intense...... I think we should watch the movie.


  1. While watching a movie in class would be fun, I usually dislike movies when I've read the book first. Anybody else think the same?

  2. Greg,
    While I do see your point, I also find it interesting to see how the director/screenplay writer interpreted the book and what they seemed to find most important (as they clearly can not include every scene from the book without making it into a marathon of a movie)

    I also find it interesting how they could change the mood of the trailer so dramatically just by changing the tone of the music. Did anyone else notice how effective that was?

  3. Greg:
    I do think that sometimes it's irritating to watch a movie after reading the book if some of the details are wrong, especially if I liked the version in my head better. But, it's also interesting to see somebody else's interpretation of the book, so I think it's worth a shot.

    I thought the same thing about the music! The mood totally changed. I also noticed that the facial expressions in the little strobe-light snapshots were much different, almost angrier and darker. It's amazing how media can interpret things so drastically with details that usually aren't thought about much.


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