Saturday, February 23, 2013

Scarlet Letter Labels

I found this scarlet letter cartoon. It made me think that adulterer isn't the only label that is used in society. I think this cartoon really shows how society labels people too quickly and once people are labeled, it's extremely difficult for them to change people's minds. Hester was a victim to society's need to label people. Once she was labeled an adulterer society's view of her changed. Although Hester is sort of being accepted back into the community, she will never be thought of the same.


  1. I really like this cartoon! I agree that it is showing how society judges individuals, and how Hester is a victim. I also like the guy painting the scarlet letters. He is looking at the woman either doubtfully or as if she were mad. I think he is a good representation of society and how society acts towards those it has judged.

  2. I also think that it is interesting how it is presumably acceptable to claim one of the "scarlet letters" as they are for sell, however returning them as the woman in the cartoon is attempting to do is not received well. I think this is a representation of how quick society is to judge yet how slow/unwilling it is take back its letters a.k.a. accusations. Lyd - do you know where this cartoon came from?

  3. I also thought it was pretty cool how something as valueless and cheaply and easily made an item can possess on the life of a girl. In a nutshell, this small, cheap, and easily created letter has such an immense impact and effect on her life that it really emphasizes the symbolism behind the letter rather the just the physical characteristics of the letter itself.


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